HOPE Africa in partnership with Green Anglicans plans to provide 3600 grade 12 learners with a RECHARGEABLE LED SOLAR lights which will enable them to have light to keep studying during the power outages that have been plaguing South Africa as a result of the energy crisis. These learners from disadvantaged, poverty stricken communities rely on a good education to rise up out of poverty and for a good education they need to be able to study at night when the power is out.
South Africa has been having an energy crises that will continue for the next few years. There are planned power cuts at least 4 times a day, which inevitably leave communities in the dark every day for a few hours. This affects children's ability to study and do homework at night. In most underprivileged communities which include a vast number of rural areas, over 500 000 grade 12 learners are reliant on using candles for light to study.
HOPE Africa provides Rechargeable LED solar lights to learners to enable them to continue with their homework and studying during the power outages when it is dark at night. This will ensure that they get good marks in their tests and exams and obtain a good end of year pass. A good end of year pass increases their opportunity to get into good tertiary institutions.
This project will provide opportunity for 3600 learners to study when there is no electricity. A good education is the key to a bright future and will result in them being able to lift themselves out of poverty.
This project has provided additional documentation in a PDF file (projdoc.pdf).
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