This project will provide essential life skills to 350 8 to 14 year old boys through futsal classes and workshops providing them with a positive pathway away from drugs and involvement in criminality. We shall occupy public hard courts in the community providing structured classes for children who only get 5 hours of schooling per day - either in the morning, in the afternoon or at night.
Eldorado is an extremely densely populated neighbourhood of metropolitan Sao Paulo with 80,000 inhabitants. The already high levels of interpersonal violence and poverty were greatly exacerbated during the pandemic when children were kept at home for two years. With children back at school, not only are their academic levels low but especially their social abilities are very weak with constant fighting, lack of attention, concentration and also very little respect for their peers and teachers.
350 boys will receive twice weekly soccer classes during which they will learn soccer skills, teamwork and play matches learning the value of competing and both winning and losing; they will always be practising social skills and how to control their emotions in a non aggressive manner. At each training session they will receive bananas as healthy nutrition and through the year will do workshops covering safeguarding, personal health and hygiene, physical and mental health.
The project will enable 350 boys to develop good social skills which will enable them to fully engage with their education and establish positive peers groups which is a principle manner to avoid being pulled into criminal activities. In addition they will improve their physical and mental health through regular exercise and eating healthy food.
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