There is a desperate need for advancement of education of females in Turkey. Compulsory education is formulated as 4+4+4 but average schooling for girls has increased to only 7 years. We provide scholarships to girls of economically disadvantaged families to enable them to continue their high school education and thus contribute to gender equality.
Compulsory education in Turkey is 12 years but average schooling rate for females is only 7 years. Only 88.6% of female students stay in school at the age of 14-17 (TUIK2019-20). WEF Global Gender Gap Report 2021 states Turkey is 133th among 156 countries. 1 out of 3 marriages is underage. Due to poverty, low education, too many siblings and local customs, girls can't continue their education. They need economic support to continue their education and seek a dignified life for themselves.
CYDD has been contributing to gender equality in education in Turkey by giving scholarships to over 100000 girls during the past 28 years. 28% of these girls have continued on to university. This project will be a continuation of this goal.
The scholarship is an economic assistance for the girls to continue their education, have a better chance to find a job and take their place as an individual in the community. The project contributes for equal opportunity in education and life.
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