Communities in Lebanon have been challenged by one crisis after another: political, financial, Covid, poverty and unemployment, the Syrian war and refugee crisis, the Beirut blast, and more. This project provides comprehensive psychosocial (and humanitarian where needed) support programs to vulnerable communities. With IAHV's knowledge and techniques they can manage their own stress, improve their wellbeing, strengthen their resilience and become empowered agents of change.
Vulnerable communities in Lebanon have been challenged by one crisis after another: political, financial, Covid, poverty and unemployment, the Syrian war and refugees, the Beirut blast, and more. Levels of anxiety, depression, sleeping problems, PTS, anger and aggression, lack of purpose, domestic violence, substance abuse, even increasing suicide, have risen. We need innovative, scalable, effective, self-empowering and cost-effective methods to support healing, resilience and empowerment.
Through an integrated, innovative approach IAHV provides: 1) stress-relief, healing and resilience workshops for vulnerable children and adults 2) in-depth training in human values and nonviolent empowerment for children at risk of recruitment, self-harm and violent behaviour 3) stress management and resilience training for frontline workers, teachers and caregivers to improve wellbeing, performance and coping capacity 4) Humanitarian (food) support to communities in need in Tripoli
This project empowers vulnerable communities to improve their own wellbeing, manage their stress, strengthen their resilience and empower them with the skills to improve their own situation. This will prevent long term consequences of the crises impact on a personal and community level, as well as reduce costs for the overburdened health and other systems in Lebanon.
This project has provided additional documentation in a PDF file (projdoc.pdf).