The Bismark Ramu Group (BRG) works with rural communities throughout PNG assisting them to organize around issues THEY identify. BRG helps communities to increase their access to information, encouraging people to network and organize themselves to combat the theft of their traditional land by foreign corporations that is made possible by widespread corruption. Your support for this project will help local communities hold on to the land and resources they depend upon for their livelihood.
Until recently, 97% of PNG was controlled by tribes and clans under customary land rights. In this farming country, people depend on land for their livelihood. Between 2003 and 2011, 5.5 million hectares was stolen from communities by foreign corporations as a result of widespread fraud, corruption, intimidation and illegal land deals. Today, 70% - 80% of the country is in foreign hands. Communities need accurate information and support to organize and network to combat this massive injustice.
Since 2000, BRG has been helping local communities organize. With your support, BRG will continue to build a nation-wide network to give people a voice through the press, social media and radio, exposing the corruption, environmental destruction and illegal land deals. Through patrols to rural communities, BRG will help people build strategies to address the issues, holding public forums with communities, local level governments and students, lobbying policy makers to stop the land theft.
Rural communities will be in control of their land and resources. There will be sufficient amounts of food to provide for families and local level economic activities will flourish. People will be aware of current and potential threats to their land and resources ensuring they remain securely in their hands. Lastly the rights of the people will be protected and enforced at all levels of government.