Dear supporters,
Thank you for your support on inviting children from Kumamoto to MORIUMIUS. Since the magnitude 6.5 earthquake struck Kumamoto in April of 2016, we have been inviting children every year from the disaster area.
This year was the third consecutive year to invite children from city of Kumamoto and from Mashiki town. Twelve children were chosen by our local partners, some are still living in temporary homes waiting to get back to their homes.
The tour took place on the three day holiday weekend in October. Despite the fact that huge typhoon was passing through Japan, children were able to fly safely from Kumamoto to Sendai. Because of typhoon pasing Japan, the weather was perfect when the children arrived to MORIUMIUS. Three days at MORIUMIUS was focused on sustainable living and food. Children spent time in the forest as well as at the ocean, working with animals to sense the life in nature.
One of the highlight was spending time with local storyteller. Listening to what happned to this community in 2011 when tsunami destroyed 80% of the town was shocking. It was also powerful to hear how locals are spening time since then. The story was very motivating, listening to a local who is trying to create new community through people who have been supporting since the disaster.
Also, celebrated chef who spent his carrer at El Bulli in Spain and Astrid y Gaston in Peru has organized cooking program for children. Using seafood caught by local fisherman, children worked with the chef to cook outdoor in Peruvian style. Digging hole in the ground rapping marinated seafood and vegetables, covering them with heated rocks. It was very simple but primitive. Children were surprised to see food can be cook in the ground with rocks.
As I witness children been relaxed and enjoying their time here, I feel that there are two important meanings for them to be here. One, to be away from the environment they are in. Be in nature and being away allow their stress to be relieved. Two, to feel and learn from other areas affected by disaster. Tohoku region has suffered one of the worst tsunami disasters in recent history. Since 2011, this region has shown resillience to the world and coming back from disaster. To see and feel how community is recovering and creating positive impact, children where motivated towards their community.
We are going to invite more children again in 2019. I hope you could support this project again.
Thank you,
![lunch at local community garden]()
lunch at local community garden
![spending time with locals]()
spending time with locals
![working with chef for cooking]()
working with chef for cooking
![wrapping ingredients with banana leaves]()
wrapping ingredients with banana leaves
![placing ingredients in a hole]()
placing ingredients in a hole