We seek to support several S. Korean orphans' English study for 1-yr+ in private after-school programs & then bring those same students to the United States for a short-term study tour.
English proficiency has become critical to having a successful future in Korea. Even children who have no hope or intention of attending college need to take an English proficiency exam to get entry-level jobs at factories and retail establishments. Most students attend private, after-school English academies to get the skills they need. Korean orphans are at a serious disadvantage because they can't afford these supplemental classes and have few opportunities to seriously improve their English.
We will annually provide academically talented Korean middle/high school orphans an opportunity to study English at private after-school academies for 1+ year and then take a study tour around the US for two weeks to apply their learning.
We hope to inspire orphans and underprivileged Korean kids to study English, and inspire their peers at the orphanages and in the community to reach for their dreams. We hope to instill the belief--through seeing--that hard work is rewarded.