Education  Kenya Project #51150

Keep 300 schools in rural Kenya safe from COVID-19

by Brighter Communities Worldwide
Keep 300 schools in rural Kenya safe from COVID-19
Keep 300 schools in rural Kenya safe from COVID-19
Keep 300 schools in rural Kenya safe from COVID-19
Keep 300 schools in rural Kenya safe from COVID-19
Keep 300 schools in rural Kenya safe from COVID-19
Keep 300 schools in rural Kenya safe from COVID-19
Keep 300 schools in rural Kenya safe from COVID-19
Keep 300 schools in rural Kenya safe from COVID-19
Keep 300 schools in rural Kenya safe from COVID-19
Keep 300 schools in rural Kenya safe from COVID-19
Keep 300 schools in rural Kenya safe from COVID-19
Keep 300 schools in rural Kenya safe from COVID-19
Keep 300 schools in rural Kenya safe from COVID-19
Keep 300 schools in rural Kenya safe from COVID-19
Keep 300 schools in rural Kenya safe from COVID-19
Keep 300 schools in rural Kenya safe from COVID-19
Keep 300 schools in rural Kenya safe from COVID-19
Keep 300 schools in rural Kenya safe from COVID-19
Keep 300 schools in rural Kenya safe from COVID-19
Keep 300 schools in rural Kenya safe from COVID-19


Children do not have access to basic handwashing facilities in school like clean, running water and soap. How can they be protected from COVID-19 transmission when schools don't have these basics? This project supports 300 schools across Kericho county to create a clean, safe environment for children with rain water harvesting, handwashing stations, improved toilets, hygiene education and teacher training. Over 104,000 boys and girls will stay healthy and stay in school.

total goal
monthly donors


In schools across Kericho county, classrooms remain unfinished, running water does not exist & there are not enough toilets to accommodate the numbers. Conditions are hazardous and unhealthy but children keep coming because education is highly valued. Disease spreads easily where hygiene is poor, sick days lead to high drop out rates, girls especially can miss 5 days every month as schools can't accommodate proper menstrual hygiene. Now add COVID-19 and lives across the community are at risk.


Our Healthy Schools programme supports each school through construction of sufficient number of latrines blocks with washrooms for girls and water tanks attached to harvest rain water for handwashing, ferrous cement water tanks that can store up to 32,000 litres of rain water harvested from classroom roofs for drinking and washing, training for teachers, education about hygiene, water treatment, menstrual health and COVID-19 transmission and provision of reusable sanitary kits for girls.

Long-Term Impact

The health of 104,346 children is protected - less time at home & more time in school safeguarding the chance they finish school and creating more potential and opportunities for their futures. The project is rolled out in partnership with school management and parents and cost sharing brings ownership and long term sustainability. The community benefits as children bring home what they learn about water, sanitation, hygiene and COVID-19 passing on good practice keeping everyone healthy.


Project Leader:
Rose Hennessy
Midleton , Cork Ireland
$1,692 raised of $12,136 goal
94 donations
$10,444 to go
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Pay Bill: 891300
Account: GG51150

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