Junior Genius: nurturing STEM talent

by Generating Genius
Junior Genius: nurturing STEM talent


Our mission is to ensure more young people from diverse backgrounds enter higher education, in particular at the best universities, to study science, tech, maths and engineering. The UK needs more people in these industries and we want to ensure that that all young people, regardless of background have the opportunity to succeed. We offer creative and aspirational workshops, adivce, support and academic tutoring to ensure potential is nurtured and fulfilled!

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There is a long-standing skills-gap in the supply of graduates with much sought-after expertise in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) causing concern for how economies will cope with our increasing dependence on technology in everyday life A rich literature has emerged with policy-makers, academics and stake-holders in industry working to further understand the full extent of the problem, and why young people seem reluctant to choose STEM pathways.


Generating Genius has had proven success with a model of sustained intervention which supports young people closely through the key decision making years that shape their progression to higher education. The four year programme will take a student from 14 to 18. We work during school vacation and after school. The focus is on four areas: Academic support. STEM - related work experience, STEM challenges and career support. Schools nominate students to our rolling programme.

Long-Term Impact

We need to act now to ensure we identify the key talent of tomorrow. We have a responsibility to ensure that we make career opportunities available to diverse talent for innovation and sustainable growth. We will help 200 young people from poor backgrounds move along the pipeline to success. We are creating supportive communities amongst young people where it is OK to be focussed on Science and technology. Our talent club truly reflects the wider society.


Organization Information

Generating Genius

Location: London - United Kingdom
Facebook: Facebook Page
Twitter: @generatingg
Project Leader:
Sasha Pratt
South Croydon , Surrey United Kingdom

Funded Project!

Combined with other sources of funding, this project raised enough money to fund the outlined activities and is no longer accepting donations.

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