A woman should not die while giving life. Every minute a woman dies in pregnancy and childbirth. Jhpiego knows how to keep these women alive. Jhpiego works to bring care to women where they live.
As many as one in eight women die in childbirth in some of the most remote parts of the world - often from a completely preventable cause. The number one cause of death for these women is bleeding to death, most often occurring because no skilled birth attendant is present during delivery. Jhpiego has low-cost, effective solutions to keep women alive. With access to these inexpensive medications, women can be kept from bleeding to death during childbirth. For 35 years we've worked with local
Funds will be used to help train and equip midwives. We are working to develop extremely affordable tests that can be used in the most remote settings to help women not die from pregnancy. Funds will also support the development of these tools.
Jhpiego works to keep women alive during pregnancy and childbirth. There are simple solutions that have significant impact on these problems. Jhpiego has already saved the lives of hundreds of thousands of women; your support keeps projects going.
This project has provided additional documentation in a PDF file (projdoc.pdf).