Integrated Water Resources Management IWRM

by youth for homeland (YFH)
Integrated Water Resources Management IWRM
Integrated Water Resources Management IWRM
Integrated Water Resources Management IWRM
Integrated Water Resources Management IWRM
Integrated Water Resources Management IWRM
Integrated Water Resources Management IWRM
Integrated Water Resources Management IWRM
Integrated Water Resources Management IWRM


IWRM project will be able to supply 50 smallholder families with drinking water: 1. 1 water user committee will establishe at the project site which ensure that the rainwater collection systems are managed sustainably. 2. Trainings of 50 families in maintenance.The expected effect is that the population commits themselves in repairing the cisterns and improving the health situation. For this purpose 50 water filters will be provided. 3. one cistern will be rehabilitated.

total goal
monthly donors


Mahweet is governorate where farming is widely practiced. Due to its geographic location in the high mountains, it is badly connected to the infrastructure. Paved roads are rare and many mountain villages can only be reached by foot . Women and girls are the main victims of these difficult conditions. They have to spend many hours carrying water from the valleys up to the mountain villages. If there were mechanized water supply pumps in the past, they now have collapsed in the current crisis.


The planned project Mahweet Governorate (Bani Saad district) will be able to supply 50 smallholder families with drinking water, which will be prepared with water filters. 1. 1 water user committee is established at the project site which ensure that the rainwater collection systems are managed sustainably. 50 water filters will be provided. 1 cistern is built. Thereby the population will be supplied with drinking and service water without needing to operate the diesel for pumping water.

Long-Term Impact

water user committee is established at the project site which ensure that the rainwater collection systems are managed sustainably ,In addition, the life of the cistern is up to 25 years, as well The precipitation is relatively high with 400 mm per year and is sufficient to collect the rainwater every season.


Organization Information

youth for homeland (YFH)

Location: sanaa - Yemen
Facebook: Facebook Page
Project Leader:
abdullah alsuraihi
sanaa , Yemen
$2,850 raised of $25,000 goal
28 donations
$22,150 to go
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