On Saturday, December 22, a tsunami hit Indonesia's Sunda Strait. As of now, More than 220 people have been killed and 843 injured, and officials fear the death toll will rise further as response efforts continue. ActionAid, and its local partner in the affected province of Serang on Java, are assessing the situation and needs at this time. Your support helps us jump into action.
The Sunda Strait in Indonesia, Southeast Asia, was hit by a tsunami on December 22, 2018. The reported death toll and injury rate is rising and we know that, even if families are lucky enough to escape or survive the tidal waves, their homes and livelihoods will have been washed away. The number of severely damaged houses is reported to exceed 400 so far and we expect this to increase as the damage is uncovered.
ActionAid Indonesia has an ongoing program in Serang, one of the districts affected by this latest tsunami, working through a partner organization. We are assessing the needs in the worst affected areas and our capacity to respond.
The intersection of natural disaster and systemic injustice is clear. That's why ActionAid works on locally-led disaster resilience, development, and human rights programs in Indonesia 365 days a year. 98% of ActionAid staff are from the country in which they work, leading to truly responsible and lasting change. Donations beyond the scope of ActionAid's response may be used for disaster recovery for the earthquake and tsunami in Sulawesi, Indonesia last September.