Make a difference supporting an Agroforestry Workshop in Alto Solimoes, at the heart of the Amazon to enhance self-sustaining food practices rooted in indigenous wisdom. This project will: (1) Sustain Materials for Agroforestry, Seedling Production, Seedlings Nursery, and Water Supply, (2) Hold with Agroforestry Experts during an intense 7-Day Session, (3) Orchestrate Agroforestry Harmony with Intensive 12-Month Online Follow-up to strengthen the community autonomy and food security.
Systemic disempowerment in indigenous communities destroying their culture has global impacts. Climate chaos is connected by environmental degradation, marked by deforestation, water contamination, and loss of biodiversity - also reaching indigenous territories and leading to their food sovereignty loss. Industrialised foods enter their territory together with diseases like diabetes and high blood pressure, changing their previously very long life expectancy.
The Workshop is focused on empowering Indigenous-led Agroforestry. Based on listening to the indigenous and local communities, the activity will highlight the multiply resources they already have in their own territories, so they can strengthen their food sovereignty and start new income sources, entrenched in their culture and wisdom.
Indigenous-led Agroforestry transcends sustainability, standing as a robust beacon of environmental responsibility that safeguards the forest's vitality. Beyond preservation, it champions food sovereignty and empowers indigenous leaders with a sense of self-agency, fostering resilience and lasting positive change within their communities.
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