Project Report
| Oct 18, 2013
From student to Teacher
![Sofia on the right, sharing her fashion expertise]()
Sofia on the right, sharing her fashion expertise
Here at Makaia we are proud to help truly remarkable people everyday, but some of them just hold a special place in our heart and we love to share their stories. Ana Sofía is one of those wonderful pople.
Ana Sofía is paraplegic, she is also the most cheerful person you will ever meet, has a great eye for fashion and handsawns beautiful handbags for a living. We met Ana Sofia in late 2011 when she participated in one of our training sessions aimed at giving entreprenenurs with disabilities digital tools and skills to strengthen their business ideas. Ana Sofia was empowered to further her hand bag business, participate in fairs and contest and use digital tools for online marketing of her designs.
Fuelled by her motivation to keep growing, she has continued learning after her trainning session and consolidated her skills, accesing a whole new world of personal and business oportunities through the use of technology. Today we are proud to say Ana Sofía's role in the classroom has changed. She is now the one that leads, teaching other entrepreneurs with dissabilities about her experience, sharing her knowledge and skills. She is guiding her students to access oportunnities through digital tools to better their professional and personal lives.
With your support we have organized other trainning sessions with Ana Sofìa as the leader, giving her the chance to share her story and her knowledge. Our funds are going towards teaching others like her, in the hopes that in the future we can have many beneficiaries that, like Ana Sofía can become future leaders and teachers.
In the link bellow you will find a video ( 2:37min ) were you can meet Sofía and witness how techonology changed her life, to learn a little more about what we do watch the whole video!
![Sofia (on the left in blue) and her class]()
Sofia (on the left in blue) and her class