The project aims to provide solar lights and bicycles to upper primary and secondary vulnerable school girls between 12 and 16 years of age, who lack safe and permanent lighting, as the single kerosene lamp or candle used by the family cannot provide the desired and safe lighting, and navigate a daily struggle, travelling over 7 kilometers enduring long commutes to get to school in Kadungulu Sub County in Serere District.
Movement to and from school is a challenge for many students in Uganda. Many students walk distances of up to 10 km to get to school on a daily basis causing them to be late and tired. Some begin walking to school as early as 5am in the morning, and lack safe and permanent lighting, leading to poor performance, absenteeism and high dropout rates.
The project gives this opportunity to girls by providing a bicycle and a solar light fulfilling their dreams of going to school. Providing a bicycle and a solar light to a girl makes it possible to save travel time, promote the use of clean energy, and focus on her studies. The journey to school becomes safer and easier than before.
This project is expected to contribute to the improvement of the lives and social integration of 30 girls between 12 and 16 years of age, in vulnerable situations, by facilitating the continuation and completion of their primary and secondary school studies.
This project has provided additional documentation in a PDF file (projdoc.pdf).
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