Nsawo Church of Uganda Primary School plans to renovate 4 classroom blocks,3 teachers' houses, dig and construct 4 improved pit latrines, construct 2 new four-in-one teachers' houses to accommodate 9 teachers, dig one deep water well, install piped and treated water,construct a well-equipped computer laboratory with 40 computers,18 Dell-Laptops and one projector, one Risograph Printer and fence the school for security and school safety to 626 pupils, 22 staff and the school community.
The project issue(s)/challenges to be addressed include: Lack of a deep water source at school,having dilapidated classroom structures,teachers' house with major cracks in the walls and leaking roofs,not having enough accommodation for teachers, not having a library to promote reading culture,lack of a computer laboratory for computer skill development, not having enough improved child friendly pit latrines,all structures are not disability friendly and the school is not fenced hence not secure.
The project will improve efficiency and effectiveness,as the organisation will have general quality improvement for a supportive,motivating, inspirational, healthy, disability friendly, secure, safe,hygienic and productive environment; it will be inclusive and will promote child retention at school.There will be quality differentiated service delivery for improved child performance in a main stream education system.
The project will make a foundation for 626 children's future learning levels and aid their development to their fullest potential in diversity.Drop out rate will consequently be reduced. It will also lead to realization of an inclusive community and generally improve on livelihood in the society.
This project has provided additional documentation in a DOCX file (projdoc.docx).