We work in 1,000 schools, directly impacting over 1,000,000 children in Uganda. Our focus is to bridge the achievement gap by helping children to learn timprove academically and complete school as well as develop key life skills. We do this through reading initiatives, Spelling competitions and writing competitions. 7 of every 10 children in primary school are not completing school on time or even at all. This is a huge problem because over half of Uganda's population (52%) is children under
There are approximately 18 million children under the age of 15 in Uganda (52% of Uganda's population). Over 70% of these children are not finishing primary school on time, or even at all. This presents a huge problem for Uganda and the world - most of these children will not get meaningful employment, crime will go up and the poverty cycle will multiply.
We provide refresher trainings for teachers to help them improve their teaching methodologies, especially for Early Grade Reading. In addition we provide reading materials to help children learn new words, their meanings and how to use them in sentences as they prepare for the National Spelling and Writing Bee. This helps children to understand concepts better, and therefore pass standardised tests and complete school on time. The Spelling Bee competition helps to make learning fun and rewarding
The Spelling Bee is a long term project. In the short term we help children improve their literacy and competence, so they can finish school on time. In the long term, the Spelling Bee helps inculcate the values of Character, Responsibility, Excellence and Empathy among the children through positive words that they will be learning. This helps to shape their attitudes, transforming them into change agents and credible leaders who will bring about the change we need.
This project has provided additional documentation in a PDF file (projdoc.pdf).