Village girls in India need accommodation. They are tribal, poor children, who come from interior and very far villages to acquire knowledge. They need knowledge, values and space for their growth, development and to become responsible citizens. Tripura is one of the eight states in the north eastern part of India. It is a small land locked hill state and is surrounded in the North, West and South by Bangladesh. The economic standard of the majority of people is far below the poverty line.
Tripura is one of the eight states in the north eastern India. The total population of Tripura is 3,671,032. The tribal community today forms about 30% of the population and is classified in to 19 tribes, of which Tripuris are the largest number. Tripura has a literacy rate of 63.81% according to the latest government census. The economic standard of the vast majority of the people is far below the poverty line and much need to be accomplished to raise their living conditions.
The project will: provide accommodation for the tribal and poor girls who have no means of attending the school due to distance and lack of transportation, eradicate illiteracy and poverty among the Indigenous people of Tripura, give right to education, provide basic comfort and facility.
Increasing the desire for education, providing them a platform to build their life, bringing awareness among the people how important it is to educate the girl child, instilling in the minds of these children love for God, nature and humanity. Changing mentality of the tribal girls.
This project has provided additional documentation in a Microsoft Word file (projdoc.doc).
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