The hope for women project started in May 2018 with conducted a baseline survey in wider Mpigi. The project focus on housing standards for needy women,house hold income,food security,solar system for lighting,water for domestic and provision of land to the landless women.The goal of the project is to eradicate poverty .This will be innovative in the way that we shall use plastic bottle wastes to construct this houses this will keep the soil to remain fertile and retain water.
A survey conducted KDF in May 2018 women survival strategies,vulnerability and the impact of poverty on households on wider Mpigi revealed that wanting situation that need immediate innervation out of 60 targeted women respondent 21(6%) had o gainful economic activity to support their house holds.they survive strategy ranged from casual labor selling local brew,selling food vending on heads with support of children in local market,their capital is less than $12.5 women live without any income.
The project is necessary to reduce vulnerability among women by empowering them through income generating food security,housing improvement,water and lightening and provision of land among the vulnerable women due to poverty ,high illiterate level and absence of inheritance policies. The aids scaurage has greatly devastated these areas affecting the social nets living most of these women poor and survival for food,income,medication,school fees it is through casual labor.
improved income as their provided with income generating activities including pigs and local chicken. Reduce vulnerability among women i terms of engagement i casual labor to get income The women's capacity entrepreneurship and leadership skills will be built thus enabling them to participate in community development activities and be useful citizens The improvement of income with trickle benefits to meet their households needs including,school fees and other related needs for their children.