It’s one scholarship at a time. It’s one child at a time. It’s time for Edna. Sponsor hope for Edna. Through education, she can achieve her dreams.
Edna Lungu is a high achieving Grade 9 student with hopes of being an accountant. Edna needs your help to continue her education, to achieve her dreams and to become a leader in her community. Scholarship support provides Edna with the opportunity to continue her studies and enables her future success. Edna is a quiet, brilliant, young girl. She is very serious about her work and all her teachers say that studies are clearly her first priority. Edna is consistently first or second in her class.
Kucetekela Foundation provides scholarships to Zambian youth who are academically promising but financially disadvantaged to attend excellent secondary schools. Education will empower the children to contribute and compete successfully in life.
Support for Edna will help her obtain a quality education, empowering her to achieve her career goals and to assist her family and community.
This project has provided additional documentation in a PDF file (projdoc.pdf).