This project will fund a service for new parents in Albania that provides in home help from a midwife or lactation consultant, access to high quality prenatal classes both online and in-person, breast pumps for rent, and other tools to help establish and maintain breastfeeding. Mothers will be empowered to care for themselves and their baby by compassionate professionals coming alongside them, helping them find their own strength as new parents.
Old structures of support for mothers and babies are crumbling in Albania due to funding and policy changes, migration, and urban living. Many mothers find themselves quite alone after birth, lost in the sea of social media advice, and lacking the caring presence of the older generation or home visits the government used to provide.
Having funds will allow us to reach more mothers through our prenatal classes and lactation consults. We will hire a midwife to be able to teach our prenatal courses and provide home visits for postpartum mothers in Albania. We will use funds to create ads on various platforms and grow our social media audience so more moms find out about our services.
When you empower the mother, you empower the whole society. Breastfeeding is a proved strategy to reduce infant mortality. Helping women succeed with breastfeeding has an impact on the health of the whole society. Training an Albanian nurse to provide evidence based postpartum and breastfeeding support will influence the entire culture of birth in Albania. She will bring evidence based protocols to other Albanian medical professionals and mothers in a way that is culturally appropriate.
This project has provided additional documentation in a PDF file (projdoc.pdf).
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