Many Thai HIV affected families live in poverty, are marginalized, and their children at risk. Siam-Care supports over 440 families transforming lives and empowering people through a holistic approach. We provide psychosocial support, access to health & welfare, education scholarships (259 children, 2012), family reconciliation,awareness raising & advocacy on HIV & legal rights. Families include widows, grandparents caring for (orphaned) children. Our work reduces HIV/AIDS related social stigma.
HIV's prevalence rate is 1.4% in the Thailand. Many have been affected, but the poor suffer the most. Poverty, ill-health and social stigma prevent them from functioning normally, thus pushing many deeper in a state of marginalization. Medical treatment is available, but not always easily accessible. The stigma causes intense loneliness and lack of compliance to medication especially among children & teens.The disease puts a strain on family' finances due to sick days and hospital costs.
We build a relationship with HIV+individuals and their families. We visit them in their homes for counseling & direct support related to the mental, nutrition, health, economic a.o. needs. We cooperate with hospitals for referral to treatment and care; mediate with govt. for income generation & social welfare support. Education scholarship is granted to the children who are the most at risk. Family reconciliation and peer support are strengthened through annual camps for families & children.
Our goal is to help over 450 HIV affected families in Bangkok, Mukdahan and Phang Nga. The potential long term impact of our interventions is improvement in the quality of life of these families through access to medication (ARV treatment), improvement of income situation, hope and a future for the children through education scholarship. Through raising awareness and educating the wider community, we can help minimize the spread and the stigma of HIV.
This project has provided additional documentation in a Microsoft Word file (projdoc.doc).
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