Jake's Diapers serves families around the world living in devastatingly difficult situations. This includes Veterans struggling to provide for their families. These Veterans tend to be living in poverty, as well as suffering from PTSD and other traumatic illnesses. With no federal safety net programs (WIC, food stamps) covering the cost of diapers, these Veterans struggle to meet the basic needs to live clean and healthy. This project provides hygiene products to Veterans in need.
President Lincoln made a promise "To care for him who shall have borne the battle, and for his widow, and his orphan" by serving and honoring the men and women who are America's Veterans. Jake's Diapers is working to fulfill this mission by caring for our vulnerable Veterans and their families with the basic, commonly overlooked hygiene needs. All people deserve to be clean, dry and healthy.
Jake's Diapers provides hygiene products at no cost to trusted community partners: social service organizations that are already helping Veterans in need through comprehensive programs and services. It has been found that distributing products through community partners ensures items reach those who need them most, including Veterans who especially struggle with asking for the help they truly deserve.
As our Veterans continue to have their diaper need solved, they are able to focus on improving their health and economic situation, as well as plan for a better future for themselves and their children. These are all steps to an increased quality of life, as well as long term survival for both parent and child.
This project has provided additional documentation in a PDF file (projdoc.pdf).