Project Report
| Sep 8, 2020
Update Report Jun-Sep 2020
By Piter Panjaitan | Project Leader
![Food Supplies]()
Food Supplies
Dear Sponsors and Supporters,
Bali is still closed for International Tourism until the end of the year, which make everything is harder and harder. There are so many people in need in Bali right now as the pandemic and limitation of tourism is on going.
Jun-Sep 2020 was still a difficult months to our Street Kids Centre. But we would also want to inform that all of our beneficiaries and all of our staff and management are safe and well. We want to send our Gratitude to all of you who have been supporting us all along these few months. We pray that you and your family are also well despite all of this pandemic. We know that everyone is struggling at this moment and we are very grateful that you still continue to support us through this difficult time. That’s why, we are still able to run our Street Kids Project with your donation and support.
We can’t thank enough for your generosity and your kind heart. Please see a few updates for our Report. Feel free to share this report to your friends, family and colleague so we can reach our target this year.
Thank you to all donors who have been supporting this cause. We able to reach our target because of your continuous support.
- Children attending the informal school show improvement in their ability to read and write in Bahasa and English Lesson, computer class, understanding of Math, develop in Sport, Music and Creativity
- They show positive changes in their behavior in terms of maintaining concentration in class, being respectful of teachers, a decline in aggressiveness towards other children, the ability to share with other children, to treat school property appropriately and be able to follow school rules.
- These improved skills enable them to more easily transition to mainstream schooling where their success is greatly improved in staying long term.
- It is expected that as a result of health education and free medical support the health and well–being of the beneficiaries is increase.
- By receiving donations of clothing, personal toiletry items like shampoo, toothpaste, soap etc the standard of living is improving for the beneficiaries significantly.
- We also distribute a regular 2 weeks of food supplies for the street families in this difficult times which really help them
- We limited the children who come to our centre to be safe and abide the social distancing rules that have been set up by the government.
Now we have 7 kids already in a Formal School. Most of them are in middle school, and we have 2 children to finished Acceleration program this year so they also can go to Middle School.
We also notice there are a few new beggars in the area where we visited around Kuta Area.
We have 20 children attendance per week. As it for now, we have 3 Teachers and 1 Volunteer who help to reach this family and bring them to our Centre and teach and educate the children.
Thank You Very much for your support, Kind Regards
Piter & Lyna Panjaitan- BaliLife Directors
![Study Time]()
Study Time
![Learn Time]()
Learn Time
![Street Centre]()
Street Centre
May 18, 2020
Update Report Jan-May 2020
By Piter Panjaitan | Project Leader
Dear Sponsors and Supporters,
Jan – May 2020 was a difficult month to our Street Kids Centre. Particularly on March until May, where the Covid-19 Pandemic hit Indonesia and Bali. But we would also want to inform that all of our beneficiaries and all of our staff and management are safe and well. We want to send our Gratitude to all of you who have been supporting us all along these few months. We pray that you and your family are also well despite all of this pandemic. We know that everyone is struggling at this moment and we are very grateful that you still continue to support us through this difficult time. That’s why, we are still able to run our Street Kids Project with your donation and support. We can’t thank enough for your generosity and your kind heart. Please see a few updates for our Report. Feel free to share this report to your friends, family and colleague so we can reach our target this year.
Thank you to all donors who have been supporting this cause. We able to reach our target because of your continuous support.
- Children attending the informal school show improvement in their ability to read and write in Bahasa and English Lesson, computer class, understanding of Math, develop in Sport, Music and Creativity
- They show positive changes in their behavior in terms of maintaining concentration in class, being respectful of teachers, a decline in aggressiveness towards other children, the ability to share with other children, to treat school property appropriately and be able to follow school rules.
- These improved skills enable them to more easily transition to mainstream schooling where their success is greatly improved in staying long term.
- It is expected that as a result of health education and free medical support the health and well–being of the beneficiaries is increase.
- By receiving donations of clothing, personal toiletry items like shampoo, toothpaste, soap etc the standard of living is improving for the beneficiaries significantly.
- We limited the children who come to our centre to be safe and abide the social distancing rules that have been set up by the government.
Now we have 7 kids already in a Formal School. Most of them are in middle school, and we have 2 children to finished Acceleration program this year so they also can go to Middle School.
We also notice there are a few new beggars in the area where we visited around Kuta Area.
We have 20 children attendance per week. As it for now, we have 2 Teachers and 2 Interns/Volunteers who help to reach this family and bring them to our Centre and teach and educate the children.
Thank You Very much for your support, Kind Regards
Piter & Lyna Panjaitan- BaliLife Directors