Chronic food shortages are about to turn into food crises due to droughts, locusts, and conflict. Millions of people in Niger, Mali, and Mauritania are at risk of starvation.
West Africa is entering the lean season–the time before harvest–when chronic food shortage is expected. However, almost 100 percent of last season’s crops were destroyed by swarms of desert locusts. Coupled with scarce rainfall during the majority of planting season, much of West Africa is speeding towards food crisis. An approximate 3.6 million people in Niger alone are currently at risk of food shortage. This project will benefit West Africa’s starving population, focusing on Niger and Mali.
This fund will provide immediate emergency aid, including food shipments and emergency medical treatment. It will also fund long-term solutions to food crisis appropriate for local communities, including the shipment of farm supplies and equipment.
Allow international relief organizations to provide direct assistance to food crisis areas in West Africa and support locally led, long-term sustainable farming programs to prevent further crises.
This project has provided additional documentation in a Microsoft Word file (projdoc.doc).