Women play a major role in the global economy so empowering women economically, especially through their involvement in trade, creates job opportunities for everyone. Help women get trained in trade so they could tap into market opportunities for artisan crafts/clothes. The funds will be used for training as a small exhibition. Ayesha, a fashion designer from Pakistan wants to have a trade workshop and training so could help other women like her to transform their lives but doesn't have funds
Most women entrepreneurs sell in their neighbourhoods and to a few friends. We want to train and help them build brands that can do large sale orders as well as they can understand supply chain to place in stores, particularly in foreign markets using fair trade. And we want to begin this training by practically make them display their products in a mini fair or exhibition for their artisan crafts, jewelry, embroideries and fashion.
Help women know how to market their brands through training as well as practical showcase like a small exhibition. These brands would then be in a position to have business cards, know how to display their items for large orders, not just quick one off sales.
Women play a major role in the global economy. They invest more in their families than men do, in areas such as education, health and nutrition, creating a secure foundation for the future of their families and communities. So empowering women economically, especially through their involvement in trade, creates job opportunities for everyone.
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