This project will collect data from farmers across the United States Virgin Islands to inform the recovery process and direct essential resources to meet farmers' long term recovery needs. This process will compensate farmers for their participation to direct support to farmers. The Farm Disaster Protocols and disaster relief and recovery kit provides a target level of emergency response in the wake of disaster as well as creates tools that can aid in preparation and mitigation pre-disaster
There are currently 300 registered Farmers in the United States Virgin Islands that have lost there business infrastructure due to hurricanes Irma and Maria. Although, many have applied for assistance through FEMA, USDA and local government, aid is not guaranteed. Due to our geographic location and the nature of climate change. Virign Islands Farmers are annually at risk for Hurricane Damage, Drought and Fires. They are in need of suppor
This project will document farmer experiences and collect data on their vulnerabilities and create protocols to better prepare and mitigate the effects of disasters. It will also develop a farm specific disaster relief kit that will allow farmers to have access to the supplies they need immediately after a disaster.
The project will directly support farmers and our community by supporting their ability to be self sufficient and replace infrastructure immediately supporting not only their personal ability to be resilient but the communities access to food. This project also servers as a potential pilot that other disaster areas can adapt an localize.