Tanzanian communities in Iguguno and Tumili have experienced an incredibly dry year & the rainy season has not started on time. The changing climate has forced local farmers to purchase their water, which places an enormous burden on them as impoverished subsistence farmers. These farmers can not afford to cover the basic costs to water their tree nurseries to grow a better future. With your help, 488 families will stay on track to grow resilient Forest Gardens & continue to change their lives.
Tanzanian communities in Iguguno and Tumili have experienced and incredibly dry year and the rainy season has not started on time. The change in climate has forced farmers to purchase their water. But the farmers can not afford to cover these costs to water their nurseries.
By supporting this project, 488 families, comprised of 3,904 people will be able to continue growing their Forest Gardens.
There is an incredible long-term impact on these families. By supplying the water for their nurseries this season, they will be able to continue growing their Forest Gardens which will make it possible for them to grow out of extreme poverty and hunger.