At Instituto Oswaldo Ribeiro de Mendonca, we have a project idea called "Marathon for Kids". We want to guide them to the running tracks in an attempt to help poor children have more contact with sports and healthy activities.
In country towns, the standard of living is significantly lower than that in big cities. This contributes to the children not being able to have access to sports and healthy activities. We'd like your help to give them more than they have now and build a better future for them.
Although "Marathon for Kids" is still at an embryonic stage, we want to give our children a chance to enjoy a few of the finer things in life that, without our (and possibly yours) help, they wouldn't have access to. Through the donations, we can provide them all the necessary tools to perform and really make the most out of the activities they take part.
"Marathon for Kids" (or, as we call it in Brazil, "Corrida do Bem") is the perfect example of a project that connects kids to activities that they usually wouldn't be able to reach. By bringing this to them, not only do we expand the diversity of the Institute itself, but we provide our kids with more things to choose from when deciding what to do for a living. These projects can help kids develop a passion or a hobby that they would only dream of without our, and, more importantly, your help.
This project has provided additional documentation in a DOCX file (projdoc.docx).