For the safety of all due the pandemic of COVID-19, the classic extension is now used through online communication systems, which is a problem for some students and families because they do not have the technological equipmentto complete all the expected tasks. Center for Peacebuilding wants with this project to ensure that as many children and young people as possible have adequate technical conditions to follow online teaching.
The COVID-19 pandemic marks an unprecedented time in modern history that will require the best of humanity to overcome. The new coronavirus has taken thousands of lives and spread to nearly every country in the world. Going to school for several weeks isn't possible due to the coronavirus pandemic. Teaching is now done online , which is a problem for some students and families because they do not have the right equipment to complete all the expected tasks
With this project Center for Peacebuilding will try to provide as many children and Young people with the right equipment so that they can adequately listen, follow and participate in online teaching
This project will provide opportunities for children and Young people to continue their education and learning in a quality way despite the pandemic we are facing.