Road accidents in Bangladesh are constantly increasing. As a result, the amount of injured, killed and damaged in road accidents is gradually increasing. Road accidents are disrupting the normal life of physically injured or crippled people. Which is creating their socio-economic problems. PATHWAY will work to rehabilitate all victims and bring them back to normal life.
According to the data of survey organizations, more than 11 thousand people die in accidents in Bangladesh every year and more than 20 thousand people are seriously injured. A large number of them suffer from paralysis. As a result, their normal life is disrupted and they are also economically backward.
Providing proper treatment to the road accident victims and rehabilitating the survivors to lead a normal life. Also providing necessary legal assistance.
Accident victims and their families will get long-term benefits through this scheme. There will be a change in society's negative attitude towards people with disabilities. Also, employment will be created through this project.
This project has provided additional documentation in a PDF file (projdoc.pdf).