RAM and its volunteers have operated on the island nation since 1995. RAM's last trips to Port-au-Prince and Hinche in 2019 provided $195,700 worth of free medical & dental care to 1,057 people. With a climate of civil unrest in the area followed by a ban on travel due to COVID-19, we were unable to hold any clinics in Haiti in 2020. RAM will return to give more care when it is safe to return and when international travel restrictions are lifted for the region.
Millions of people in Haiti lack access to affordable health care, housing, education, and stable employment. Even more lack access to routine dental care as there are only 300 dentists in the entire country. Because of these factors, coupled with the fact that Haiti is also prone to severe natural disasters, many people are left with few choices when it comes to accessing even the most basic of health and dental care. For many people, this ultimately leads to pain, suffering, and early death.
Remote Area Medical (RAM) will help the alleviate pain and suffering of Haitian residents by providing free, high-quality dental and medical care to people in need through the operation of semi-annual mobile medical clinics. This will ultimately lead to improved health and improved lives for thousands of Haitians each year.
This project will have a long-term impact on the residents of Haiti by ensuring they can improve their health outlook without having to choose between paying for health care or paying for other life necessities, like food. By improving a person's health situation, RAM has a tremendous impact because better health often offers a person a better quality of life through the alleviation of pain and anguish, improved employment opportunities, and enhanced relationships with friends and family.