Providing Access to Water for Families in Niger

by Relief International
Providing Access to Water for Families in Niger
Providing Access to Water for Families in Niger
Providing Access to Water for Families in Niger
Providing Access to Water for Families in Niger
Providing Access to Water for Families in Niger
Providing Access to Water for Families in Niger
Providing Access to Water for Families in Niger
Providing Access to Water for Families in Niger
Providing Access to Water for Families in Niger
Providing Access to Water for Families in Niger


The lack of permanent water sources in drought-afflicted Niger is significantly affecting health and livelihoods. Relief International will help build local wells and maintain water supplies.

total raised
monthly donors


In a country that suffers drought every year, the lack of water sources affects people's health and livelihoods. Most wells service more than 25,000 people! Due to so many users, the well quickly dries up, forcing people to wait days for the well to replenish iteself, showing a profound need for an increased number of reliable, low-maintenance water sources.


Relief International and a Niger-based partner are building and rehabilitating wells in the region. They use local labor and drilling equipment to create greater access to water and to ensure money and skills remain in the local community.

Long-Term Impact

By constructing or rehabilitating wells in Niger, local families and farmers do not have to travel as far to access water, nor wait as long for supply. This significantly improves the long-term health of locals and lengthens the growing season.

Additional Documentation

This project has provided additional documentation in a Microsoft Word file (projdoc.doc).


Organization Information

Relief International

Location: Washington, DC - USA
Facebook: Facebook Page
Twitter: @ReliefIntl
Project Leader:
Brenna Taylor-Ford
Philanthropy Associate
Los Angeles , California United States

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