The goal is to support victims of Korea's military law which criminalizes and discriminates gay soldiers. Firstly, the fund will be used for the legal battles of five gay soldiers whose career is at risk due to crackdown in 2017 by fundamental Christian Army Chief of Staff. Secondly, the fund will be used to help their case before the Constitutional Court so that the sodomy law may be abolished. Thirdly, the fund will be used to help the first openly transgender soldier Ms. Byun's return.
Korean military is passive-aggressively persecuting the LGBTI military personnel. Not only the Army and the Navy attempted to identify 'gay soldiers' and succeeded in imposing criminal charges in 2017 and 2019, but also the Army discharged the first Korean female transgender soldier right after her reassignment surgery. When they cracked down gay men, they said they undermine the spirit of the other armed forces personnel. When they discharged Ms. Byun, they said she harmed herself, mutilation.
The project will seek to win all the cases pending before the Supreme Court to remove stigmatization on the five gay men. Moreover, it is important to make sure that the Constitutional Court acknowledges that they have been systematically persecuted because it will be impossible to give remedies for other victims in the past without such a declaration. Also, the return of the first transgender soldier will be encouraging for those who are in the closet. Lastly, this shows civil solidarity!
The existence of criminalization of same-sex relationships somehow rationalizes homophobia, and the official abolition of it will be a great acknowledgment of the society to start apologies, remedies, and education. As the LGBTI persons are the most excluded minority group and often criticized for being 'unnatural' and 'unethical', it will be the chance for South Korea to break the old Confucianism and patriarchic order as well. After all, this will be a turning point for an inclusive society.