VIDA is working with our partners, Medshare and COADHA to bring surgical supplies and medical equipment to hospitals operating in Haiti after the devastating 7.0 earthquake
The most urgent need is to raise funds to support the shipment of multiple containers to Haiti - either by sea or airlift. Each container holds approximately 1 million in supplies and cost approx, $10,000 to deliver. VIDA provides $140 in medical aid for every dollar donated. A $100 donation provides $14,000 in medical aid.
It has been reported that several hospitals were destroyed on Tuesday. The VIDA containers will help doctors and nurses to establish and supply temporary and active clinics therefore saving hundreds, if not thousands, of lives.
It will take many months to restore and rebuild Haiti. VIDA is preparing to ship 5-6 containers of medical relief over the next 6-9 months in cooperation the Consortium For The Advancement Of Haiti COADHA.
This project has provided additional documentation in a Microsoft Word file (projdoc.doc).