Our wind-up and solar-powered Lifeline radios will play an important role in Haiti's rehabilitation efforts, by disseminating practical information on disaster preparedness efforts.
The 1,000 Lifeline radios are in Haiti and are ready for distribution to grassroots and municipal organizations, and other community-based groups. The radios will benefit an estimated 35,000 listeners, who are unlikely to have listening access. As months have passed since the devastating earthquake hit Haiti, the island remains in distress as 1.5 million citizens, including 300,000 children, remain displaced.
Communication is an essential tool for reconstruction and rehabilitation efforts, as a way of coordinating the delivery of aid and communicating what is needed in terms of food, water, shelter and medical supplies, among others.
The radios will provide on-demand information broadcast from local and international sources, thereby improving the quality of life and providing social support. The radios will be distributed with our partner the National Democratic Institute.