![Children at shcool]()
Children at shcool
In jun, the children completed this academic year with flying colors. 85 % of our children are passing to the next grade, this is an improvement from last year’s 75% admission rate to the next grade. The greatest satisfaction is that 2 (Salle and Bilie) of our 3 worse students from last academic year were amongst the best in their respective classes this year. Though the 3rd did not reach that level of excellence, she did make remarkable progress and is passing to the next level. This summer extra classes include the introduction of next academic year courses so that the children have a head start for next year. This is being conducted with 2 very experienced instructors. This summer, in addition to the tailoring we added 3 more vocational training: motorcycle repair shop training and wood working training for the boys and culinary training for the girls.
This summer 3 of our children were admitted to the youth Malian Federation of basketball, and 2 of those 3 are currently playing in the youth championship of Bamako. The 3rd did not get to participate this year because of a broken leg, but will next year. 3 others received taekwondo medals (1 gold and 2 silver) during Bamako’s championship. 5 children passed to the next belt during this year’s Bamako’s Taekwondo’s tournament.
In April we were blessed with site visit in Bamako from Director Andy from the Segal Family Foundation, and we were able to show him the operations. In Jul, our Director of Operations in Bamako, attended the Segal Family Foundation’s annual meeting in Arusha, Tanzania. What a collaborative and learning opportunity that was!!! His overall impressions were outstanding. This opportunity allowed him to discover other operations on the continent, and discuss with other leaders confronted to similar challenges, network with other nonprofit leaders and learn from each others’ experience, understand donors’ requirements, re-energized with regards to goals, and more deeply understand human resources requirements.
Please donate today and help us ensure that our work continues and that the vulnerable children of Mali are afforded the security of the holistic program that ACFA offers them. Thank you for supporting our efforts towards attaining our vision.
![Children wearing their medals]()
Children wearing their medals
![Zou at Segal Family Foundation Annual Meeting]()
Zou at Segal Family Foundation Annual Meeting