Many children with physical disability are found to be talented for sports. Practicing sports, besides improving their physical condition, it increases their self-esteem, offers social inclusion and for many of them, its an opportunity for the future, as they may become professional athletes. AACD Sport offers swimming, table tennis, bocha and capoeira for children and young people with physical disabilities and has helped reveal many talents who have become performance athletes.
Patients at AACD go through a rehabilitation process of usually 1-2 years. After rehabilitation is completed, they have built a very strong bond with the institution and do not want to interrupt regular attendance. At this time, patients in which a talent or a physical ability has been detected, are invited to participate in a project called AACD Sport, which mission is to develop disabled children and young people for performance sports.
The project offers an opportunity for disabled children to find a sport in which they have more ability in, as well as offers regular practicing with specializad coaches, introduction to competition, going ahead to performance sport.
Sports have been changing lives among our patients. They find out they have many possibilities. They find out they can be very sucessful. It improves their self-esteem. It offers inclusion and social integration. It has become a profession for many who have become athletes and sustain themselves and families. We have revealed athletes that have participated in Paralympic Games. Many athletes that have been our patients report they would not be so successful if they were not in this condition.