This project will build 5 earthquake resistance permanent classrooms in Solukhumbhu Nepal, providing a safe place to learn and teach to 250 children, who could not return to the school since mega earthquake 7.8 magnitudes in 25th april and 12th May 2015 which destroyed over 35000 classrooms in Nepal.
Two devastating earthquakes in Nepal of 7.8 magnitudes on April 25 & May 12, 2015 took the lives of over 9,000 people & destroyed nearly 802,500 homes. 35,000 classrooms completely destroyed according to the Government of Nepal and over ONE MILLION children could not return to school. Lower Solukhumbhu is one of the most remote districts where it is hard to get any aid agency or government help. This project will provide a safe classrooms for 250 students of Solukhumbhu.
The Small World provides fully furnished safe school buildings for the earthquake-devastated communities to ensure continued education for village children who have been without it for many months. We provide trainings to village locals with skills to ensure earthquake resistance construction so that they can be involved with this project and get much needed job opportunities now and after the project.
The project will train 50 local community members and provide them a job opportunity so that they can provide for their families and train others in village to make their own houses earthquake resistant. By providing a safe place to learn we are also preventing young children from being school dropouts, forced into child labor and child bride as well as from trafficking. (annually 10,000 - 15,000 children are being trafficked from Nepal into sex slavery according to the government of Nepal).
This project has provided additional documentation in a PDF file (projdoc.pdf).