This project arises from the need to provide accompaniment in high-cost health processes for children and adolescents who suffer from the lack of adequate care in the health system in the city of Medellin, Colombia. Various situations have been constantly identified due to the lack of specialized medical care, treatments, surgeries, therapies, special devices and medications. The objective is to contribute to the improvement of health conditions.
The crisis of the Social Security System in Colombia impacts vulnerable people who, despite being affiliated to a health system, are victims of a system with structural failures that does not respond effectively to their vital needs. For this reason, we seek to benefit children and adolescents with high-cost diseases that require treatment to improve their quality of life. in addition, to support their families to overcome the lack of ability to pay for specialized care.
To provide access to health care for children and adolescents in the city of Medellin who have high-cost diseases, through alliances with professionals and institutions, which provide services such as: specialized consultations, comprehensive rehabilitation, surgeries, procedures, medicines, examinations and the delivery of wheelchairs and other medical devices, essential for the recovery and treatment of the beneficiaries.
Through timely access to health care, improve the quality of life of the beneficiary children and adolescents and promote healthy development and growth that allows them to achieve the maximum degree of autonomy and independence. Reestablish the right to health in a comprehensive manner and generate continuity in treatments.
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