COVID-19  Jordan Project #46548

Help Avoid a COVID-19 Explosion Among Refugees

by International Humanistic Psychology Association
Help Avoid a COVID-19 Explosion Among Refugees
Help Avoid a COVID-19 Explosion Among Refugees
Help Avoid a COVID-19 Explosion Among Refugees
Help Avoid a COVID-19 Explosion Among Refugees
Help Avoid a COVID-19 Explosion Among Refugees
Help Avoid a COVID-19 Explosion Among Refugees
Help Avoid a COVID-19 Explosion Among Refugees
Help Avoid a COVID-19 Explosion Among Refugees


The massive number of refugees in Jordan make up one of the most vulnerable, high risk groups in the world to contract, die from, and rapidly spread the COVID-19 virus - in their population and the wider region. A deadly combination of risk factors creates an immediate and potent formula threatening to erupt into a major humanitarian catastrophe, posing a perilous threat in the world, if we do nothing. We are using tele-med to reach as many refugees with vital health care services as possible.

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The 1 million + Syrian refugees in Jordan live in tightly packed living conditions and suffer from compromised immune systems and general poor health. The health care system is struggling to meet even minimum needs of it's citizens, and refugees are at a lower priority. International medical services are greatly curtailed or suspended. Access by Refugees to any health care services or self-help information on COVID-19 monitoring, treatment, and mitigation is severely limited, or nonexistent.


Our local team of hundreds of medical professionals are working to grow a network of live 2-way virtual stations set up in apartment buildings, large group homes, and camps across Jordan where large numbers of refugees are already forced to live in dense quarters, and where critical tele-health services can reach them. We need immediate financial support to allow us to purchase the technology required to establish as many virtual stations in as many of these high population centers as possible.

Long-Term Impact

In the midst of this pandemic among the most at-risk population in Jordan, health and safety knowledge is the most powerful asset we have at our disposal - particularly specialized medical assessment, guidance, and instruction on how to identify and protect against the virus and its spread, personally tailored to these precarious individual, family, and group conditions. The challenge is getting this to those in most desperate need in time so they can benefit from it and help slow the virus.

Additional Documentation

This project has provided additional documentation in a PDF file (projdoc.pdf).


Organization Information

International Humanistic Psychology Association

Location: Climax, Michigan - USA
Steve Olweean
Project Leader:
Steve Olweean
Climax , Michigan United States

Funded Project!

Combined with other sources of funding, this project raised enough money to fund the outlined activities and is no longer accepting donations.

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