Roof + Farm Animals + Replanted Gardens = Hope for the future (end of hunger/children's malnutrition & a path to self-sufficiency!) Since Hurricane Matthew devastated Haiti in 2016, ESPWA & the Haiti Community Foundation helped over 9,000 community residents get back on their feet. Leve Kanpe means getting up and standing up tall getting back on your feet! Support Pwoje Leve Kanpe & give 8,000 vulnerable Haitians hope for the future. We raised $80,000 so far. We need $20,000 more. Join us!
How to regain self-sufficiency when you've lost crops, animals, tools, home and live in hard to reach communities that Aid doesn't reach? About a year and a half after Hurricane Matthew hit the Grand'Anse region of Haiti (the most affected by the disaster), thousands of families are still dependent on charity. The most vulnerable families are without hope to regain self-sufficiency. ESPWA and the Haiti Community Foundation: Haitians are helping Haitians get back on their feet. Support us!
Leve Kanpe means getting up and standing tall... getting back on your feet in Haitian Creole. We focus on self-sufficiency, not on short-term charity. After Hurricane Matthew, we spoke to 240 community leaders in the Grand'Anse 12 counties. They clearly identified their priorities: home repairs, seeds & seedling to replant their gardens, farm animals to replace their dead ones. The people they lost cannot be replaced... We work with communities and community groups to create self-sufficiency
2000 families or (conservatively) 8000 community residents of the Grand'Anse's hard to reach communities will be able to regain a decent level of self-sufficiency. Without our intervention, they face hunger, malnutrition, death, extreme poverty. Two counties Jeremie and Moron will benefit from these families' economic recovery. Children will not be kept out of school because of their families' lack of financial capacity. We replace hopelessness with independence, dignity and sustainability.
This project has provided additional documentation in a PDF file (projdoc.pdf).