Sickle cell anemia is a hereditary incurable defect confined to red blood cells. The basic defect is in the structure of hemoglobin molecule of the red blood cells which acquire sickle like shape in oxygen deficient environment. Due to this effect there is destruction of the cells which could even lead to the death of patients. This disease is now prominent in Teso Sub-Region in Uganda. SCOEN is working for betterment of these patients using HYDROXYUREA TREATMENT recommended to children
This symptom begins at early age of 2-4 years and severity of symptoms increases with age. Patients have painful and limited life span. In addition to these symptoms one of the typical symptom experienced by patients called Sickle Cell Crisis an painful stage. Whenever there is increase demand for oxygen in the body i.e. during infections, physical exercise, or excess fluid loss, the Sickling process gets accelerated. SCOEN has enrolled 31 child diagnosed with sickle cells
SCOEN has designed Sickle Cell Community Program with arrangements to provide following facilities: -Diagnostic facilities. -Patient Treatment and follow-up. - Young population genetic screening program to detect carriers & sufferers. -Health education -Marriage counseling -Genetic counseling -Training facilities this project will provide financial assistance to cure this rare disease in Teso
SCOEN will have the community sensitized; carriers and suffering partners screened and detected helping them with sufficient knowledge to move on with life. Children on treatment, able to complete education normally like other children. At present we organize regular health camps, provide medical kits, and provide education on sickle cell due to which there is improvement in anemic condition, intensity of crisis is decreased & also duration & recurrence of the crisis is prolonged. Aim is to erad
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