This project will provide simple heaters and cookers to many families in Kharkiv, Ukraine who, because of war, have been left with no electricity or means to cook their food or to keep warm. The Heaters/Wood stoves are manufactured by a Ukrainian company, Grafix, and carried out at cost. Website: Wood can be purchased through a Ukrainian government website at:
Many families have been left with no electricity or a way of cooking or heating their homes because Russian missiles have attacked the Ukrainian civilian infrastructure. One of the biggest cities in Ukraine, Kharkiv, located just 30 miles away from the Russian border has been left in a situation where families cannot cook or heat themselves. With winter approaching with temperatures below -25C, their need is urgent.
The project will provide wood heaters to many Kharkiv families, for heating and cooking. This will make a significant difference to survival rates and quality of life during the extreme winter conditions.
The long term impact will be that the ordinary families of Kharkiv will survive the winter and will then help to rebuild their community. Feeding and heating families will enable the adults to go to work and the children to attend school.