Project Report
| May 16, 2018
Ritika and Anmol empowering young girls through workshops on gender and sexuality
Ritika and Anmol started their work as peer educators in July 2017 with the The YP Foundation's Know Your Body, Know Your Rights programe. They conduct sessons on Comprehensive Sexuality Education (CSE) at an institutional care home for young girls in Delhi NCR. Initially, the participants, who are between the ages of 14-17, were not very open to sessions on gender and sexuality, and the facilitators were met with resistance on different levels. Some participants came from a history of trauma and were still trying to adjust and find their place in the home. However, as the weeks passed, the girls opened up to the facilitators and were more receptive during the sessions.
Some of the best sessions in this community were ones in which the girls would ask questions about the problems they face in their personal lives, in the context of the topic being discussed during a particular session. The girls slowly began to trust the facilitators and would seek their advice and support on many occasions, especially when they had questions on health or on handling relationships with friends and other people in their community.
Over the next several months, the participants developed a more critical outlook and would often look for examples of issues around gender and sexuality in newspapers or on TV, and share those examples in the session. There were several instances where the participants cut out articles on LGBTQ+ rights or rape laws and showed them to the facilitators to spark a discussion during the sessions. The participants would also independently do research before the sessions, and would save questions for the facilitators on menstruation, contraception or domestic violence, so that they could access information on these subjects from a source they trusted.
The sessions soon transformed into a safe space where every participant confidently used their voice to ask questions and pose arguments in a thoughtful manner. Today the participants insists on having Rtika and Anmol conduct sessions every week, so they can ask more questions about everything ranging from problems in school, or have a strong discussion about the latest law they read about in a newspaper. Several participants have become very passionate about issues related to gender based violence and sexuality rights, and have asked how they can be CSE facilitators when they grow up. This has all been possible due to your generous contribution and we hope you can continue to support us, thank you so much!