The project will train young leaders to work sensitively and comprehensively with adolescent girls from poor and marginalised communities, to make sure they have information about growing up, puberty, sexual health, consent, violence, pregnancy and safe sex. This will ensure they make healthy decisions, stay safe from violence, and lead key decisions of their lives like education, marriage and careers to have positive and better futures. Information is power and we deliver it to young girls!
30% of India's total population constitutes young people aged between 10 and 24 where adolescent girls account for nearly 11% of it. There is an increasing number of young girls without access to information on sexual and reproductive health. Limited provision of this information mostly affect young women and girls from marginalised and poor communities. This leaves them vulnerable to all kinds of exploitation such as early and forced marriage, lack of mobility and sexual violence.
The project provides accurate and unbiased information on sexual & reproductive health to young women & girls in a non judgmental and friendly manner. Over a period of one year, young leaders conduct a 30 hour long curriculum (divided in smaller sessions) with young women and girls in diverse communities on topics such as menstruation and puberty. The young leaders build a strong relationship with the communities allowing the young girls to have a safe space to share information on sexual health
Girls have higher confidence and better negotiation skills to have greater decision making regarding their health, career and education. Once empowered the girls are able to talk about their rights and engage with their peers, family as well as community members. The project will create a cadre of 1500 young women and girls who are informed and equipped with information on sexual health, helping them understand and realise their rights.