Health Education for Low-Income Women in Bali

by Yayasan Rama Sesana
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Health Education for Low-Income Women in Bali
Health Education for Low-Income Women in Bali
Health Education for Low-Income Women in Bali
Health Education for Low-Income Women in Bali
Health Education for Low-Income Women in Bali
Health Education for Low-Income Women in Bali
Health Education for Low-Income Women in Bali
Health Education for Low-Income Women in Bali
Health Education for Low-Income Women in Bali
Health Education for Low-Income Women in Bali
Health Education for Low-Income Women in Bali
Health Education for Low-Income Women in Bali
Health Education for Low-Income Women in Bali
Health Education for Low-Income Women in Bali
Health Education for Low-Income Women in Bali

Project Report | Apr 11, 2019
Progress Report Activity on March 2019

By Desy Ari Nuryanthi | Coord Data and Research

Mobile Clinic at ALC and Medical Check-Up
Mobile Clinic at ALC and Medical Check-Up

Our location services back to Badung Market after the Grand Opening of Badung market and inaugurated by Indonesia President. We continue our services at ALC as a feasibility study and elderly services at Banjar Dangin Peken as collaboration with our donors in Sanur clinic.We commemorate International Women Day with peer discussion and invited by Australian General Consulate to join their event.

After waiting for construction for 2 years, we finally returned to providing services at the Badung market after a grand opening and inaugurated directly by Indonesia President’s Joko Widodo. The service we will provide remains the same as before. In this new Badung market, YRS get a smaller place than before the fire and at Tiara Grosir. In the grand opening sessions, our clinic became mini Intensive Care Unit (ICU) in association with RSUD Wangaya to prepare. However, we keep the spirit providing services to the beneficiaries to create a healthy generation.

Commemorate to International Women Day, we held peer meeting discussion about reproductive rights. This is the right times to commemorate International Women Day as aa YRS services promotion in the new Badung Market. After discussion, our staff and peer spread the information especially to visitor to more promote our services and more increase people awareness about the important of women sexual and reproductive health for their future life.

YRS also join International Women Day in Australian General Consulate. Through Direct Aid Program (DAP), Australian government has helped our organization especially in mobile clinic program since 2013. In this event we promote our organization and achievement. Hopefully we can raise more donors to more sustain running our programs.

Mobile clinic this month conduct at Bangli in Undisan village. From these activities 120 people received health services, 26 people received lab test for STIs, 26 people accessed breast cancer screening and 26 people accessed visual inspection via acetic acid (VIA) test for cervical cancer screening.

Joined the International Women Day celebration
Joined the International Women Day celebration
The New Badung Market Grand Opening
The New Badung Market Grand Opening
Peer Meeting and Outreach
Peer Meeting and Outreach
Mobile Clinic Services at Bangli in Undisan
Mobile Clinic Services at Bangli in Undisan


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Mar 12, 2019
Progress Report Activity on Februari 2019

By Desy Ari Nuryanthi | Coord Data and Research

Feb 14, 2019

By Desy Ari Nuryanthi | Coord Data and Research

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Organization Information

Yayasan Rama Sesana

Location: Denpasar, Bali - Indonesia
Facebook: Facebook Page
Twitter: @YRS_Bali
Yayasan Rama Sesana
Luh Putu Upadisari
Project Leader:
Luh Putu Upadisari
Director of Yayasan Rama Sesana
Denpasar , Bali Indonesia

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