The Fulani Community Health Care Services Project shall involve: 1) constructing a small Health Care Facility in the Fulani Community within Bafmen; 2) employing two (one female and one male) well-trained medical personnel (one nurse/midwife and one medical laboratory technician) of the Fulani Community who have received their medical training at our School of Health, Biomedical and Computer Sciences (SHBCS); and 3) provide initial basic medical supplies/medication for the Health Care Facility.
Many Funali people within Bafmen, especially the elderly, expecting mothers and infants, have no access to basic health care services and many are dying from very easily treatable illnesses/diseases, such as malaria, infected wounds, cough, childbirth etc. The main problem is access to medical services. For expecting mother has to walk for over 25 miles in order to gain access to prenatal care and give birth and those who attempt to do so end up losing their lives and the baby.
This project is designed to solve this problem through: 1) the actual construction of a small Health Care Facility within the Fulani Community in Bafmen; 2) the training and employment of two medical personnel (one nurse/midwife and one medical laboratory technician) of the Fulani Community; and 3) the purchase of initial basic drug/medication and medical supplies for the Health Care Facility. This project will ensure Community members have sustained/permanent access to needed health services.
Your donation to this project will: 1) literally save lives; 2) provide medical training and initial employment for two medical personnel (one nurse/midwife and one medical laboratory technician); 3) assist in the construction of a permanent, small health care facility in this remote, Fulani Community in Bafmen; and 4) enable the Fulani people in this community to improve and increase their cattle herding/rearing productivity. A healthy population ensures improved economy, health and life.
This project has provided additional documentation in a Microsoft Word file (projdoc.doc).