This project will provide Health and Education support to 100 vulnerable children ((HIV/AIDS affected/infected/orphan) in GbehlayGeh District of Nimba. The project will also promote alternative livelihoods income generation activities for 100 vulnerable individuals through business skills training, mentorship and business grants disbursement.
Liberian Society faces high level illiteracy, Unemployment, limited economic opportunities and this has become a very serious problem in Liberia. Economic hardship and social problems of Liberia have been amplified by the outbreak of the Ebola virus disease.
RUCAHEA provides health and educational assistance programs to vulnerable children. Vulnerable Children Caregivers are trained and empowered to continue the program as an exit strategy.
RUCAHEA will provide health and education assistance to 50 vulnerable children to ensure their well being through the provision of basic social services thus reducing illiteracy rate in Liberia.
This project has provided additional documentation in a XLSX file (projdoc.xlsx).