The HeadStart Trust would like to support 72 families of Jongensklip Primary this festive season by distributing food hampers to these underprivileged children, low-income families and vulnerable communities. These food hampers will assist the recipients and their families with adequate food supply for the festive season. With support from current and prospective donors, we can spread a message of hope this festive season through the joy of giving.
Schools are at the center of our communities and our children's lives. During the festive season, when schools close, children don't have access to the usual daily school meals providing them with essential nutrition. This not only affects the children's health, but it also impacts the most vulnerable families by reducing their income.
The Headstart Trust provides families with sufficient and nutritious food during the holiday season, alleviating hunger and pressure on these families' disposable income and providing a sense of security and stability.
The project will support 72 vulnerable families over the festive season, bringing well-being through food relief.
This project has provided additional documentation in a XLSX file (projdoc.xlsx).